Dough Boyy - Closer to My Dreams

Dante' "Dough Boyy" Campbell is a Brooklyn born and raised rap/hip-hop artist living in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Although he no longer lives in the city...the city will always live in him. The attitude, the sound, the walk, the talk...all of these things make up the style that he likes to call "Hood Rock". He is most commonly compared to the late, great "Notorious B.I.G." because of his voice and his sound. He has performed in numerous shows and showcases in Northeast PA, New York, Ohio and even as far as New Mexico. He is currently working on his next project titled "I-80 The Northeast Extension Vol. 1". In addition to his music career he has secured his first acting role in an upcoming drama mini series.
You Can Connect with Campbel
Twitter @Doughb23
Instagram @Dough_B1
Reverbnation @DoughBoyy


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